Roy's Blog: February 2024

February 24, 2024

What 3 Important Words Make a Spectacular Leader?


What 3 Important Words Make a Spectacular Leader?

#1. Audacious — Bold. Strong. Pithy. Courageous. New box thinker. Outrageous. DiFFERENT. Unpredictable.

#2. Breakaway — Disruptor. Interventionist. Unpopular. Non-traditionalist. Noncompliant. Nonconformist. Unpopular. Uncommon.

#3. Execute — Achiever. Passionate. Emotional. Doer.

My 80+ Podcast Shows that will make your business and your career incredibly successful.

My Podcast Show Audacious Moves to A BILLION will share the specific Moves I made to achieve jaw-dropping growth in an insanely competitive internet business.

”The Audacious Un-heard of Ways I Took a Startup to A BILLION IN SALES” is the latest in my BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series.

  • Posted 2.24.24 at 06:26 am by Roy Osing
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February 19, 2024

Why AI Isn’t Actually a Tool To Be Remarkable


Why AI Isn’t Actually a Tool To Be Remarkable.

AI doesn’t make you remarkable.

It doesn’t make you unique and stand out in a crowd.

AI is a means to an end.

What’s your end?

If you don’t know, how do you know how to apply and get the benefits from AI?

AI with no endgame as context is a solution looking for a problem.

AI is YUMMY in a contemporary form.

AI doesn’t make you special in a way people CARE about. It has no strategic purpose because what you decide to deliver is based on crowd thinking.

Its intent is to be at best more efficient in performing non-strategic tasks.

AI takes away your voice and replaces it with thousands of blended algorithmic voices.

AI has the potential of delivering dishonest value so beware of those who use it under the guise of serving others.

AI makes it easy, but it sucks every bit of originality from you. You don’t have to create, you can merely copy the aggregate of other people’s work.

Artificial Intelligence might be no intelligence at all…

My 80+ Podcast Shows that will make your business and your career incredibly successful.

My Podcast Show Audacious Moves to A BILLION will share the specific Moves I made to achieve jaw-dropping growth in an insanely competitive internet business.

”The Audacious Un-heard of Ways I Took a Startup to A BILLION IN SALES” is the latest in my BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series.

  • Posted 2.19.24 at 05:00 am by Roy Osing
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February 12, 2024

Simple Reasons Why The Service Experience Is Insanely Important


Simple Reasons Why The Service Experience Is Insanely Important.

Growth formula for any business: Growth = a stable base of loyal customers + new customers

Reliance on adding new customers isn’t a winning growth strategy; retaining and growing existing customers is.

Customer loyalty is a function of the service experience they have with you, how they FEEL when they engage with you.

Loyalty is NOT created when your product or service functions the way you promise. Customers expect your Core Service—mobile device, internet connection, dishwasher—to work.

BUT…… if you can’t deliver products that work flawlessly 24X7X365 sooner or later you will run out of credits for past performance and you won’t be able to create memorable service experiences.

So, loyalty = deliver your core products and services consistently as promised AND take the customer’s breath away with the service experience they have with you.

And, remember that your products give you ZERO competitive advantage; they don’t differentiate you from your competitors. Everyone offers the same products. Everyone uses the same technology.

What do customers do when they have an amazing service experience with you? Right! They talk you up to others. And with that comes business referrals, audacious reviews and amazing testimonials. And your business continues to grow.

The converse is also true: “de-dazzle” them and they tell everyone how crummy you are and your business shrinks.

Bottom line: if you want your business to grow, you need a competitive advantage (the service experience) and loyal customers (working products + the service experience).

What are the key factors determining if a service experience will be memorable or a disaster?

✔️ Leaders must declare that the service experience is a strategic imperative to the survival and growth of the business.
✔️ You need a Say YES! culture. Enable transactions not control them. Make it easy.
✔️ Recruit Human Being Lovers who have an innate desire to service others.
✔️ Clean the inside of your organization. Purge the rules and policies that say NO! to what customers desire.
All about engagement.
✔️ Lead with humans; support with technology. Technology can NEVER produce a memorable customer service experience!

My 80+ Podcast Shows that will make your business and your career incredibly successful.

My Podcast Show Audacious Moves to A BILLION will share the specific Moves I made to achieve jaw-dropping growth in an insanely competitive internet business.

”The Audacious Un-heard of Ways I Took a Startup to A BILLION IN SALES” is the latest in my BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series.

  • Posted 2.12.24 at 05:37 am by Roy Osing
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February 5, 2024

This is What An Expert Really Is


This is What An Expert Really Is.

The “Expert” narrative has always been consistent in one respect.

“Experts” are defined by their academic accomplishments and are rank ordered by the number of initials after their name and the Institution where they earned their academic pedigree.

“An expert is commonly defined as someone with comprehensive and authoritative knowledge in a particular area not possessed by most people.”

An “Expert” knows what they are talking about.

An “Expert” has published a number of papers on a given topic.

An “Expert” studied a discipline for 10 years.

Missing in Action when it comes to giving “Expert” accolades and status are the plethora of leaders, managers, frontline people, marketing analysts and sales warriors who have actually ACHIEVED something massive that benefits others.

These are the MBA’s that I want to see equall the intellectuals as “Experts”.

These people hold a Masters in Business Achievement degree.

Consistently stratospheric levels of performance “get no respect” from the gunslingers who are given the currency to decide who is an expert and who is not (probably because they have a PhD from Harvard and have never grown a startup business to A BILLION IN SALES!) Oops, sorry :(

It’s time to disrupt the common notion of what an expert is.

It’s time to bestow “Expert” status on:

✔️The Small Business owner and Leader who has grown their business to breathtaking levels year after year after year.
✔️The Customer service rep who has achieved the highest results in creating dazzling service experiences for their customers.
✔️The Sales professional who has an unmatched repertoire of what their clients CRAVE which allows them to charge premium prices in the market with virtually no competitors.
✔️The Marketing analyst who comes up with innovative value packages for their customers that command market attention and blow the competition away.
✔️The Receptionist who, because of their innate ability to show empathy and CARE for other people creates sensational and unforgettable “First Impressions” with people who decide at THAT moment to give their business to the Receptionist.
✔️The Internal Audit analyst who moderates control with common sense and strategic purpose to enable customers to do business with their organization not disable them and drive them to frustration.
✔️The Carpenter who practices their craft with the utmost concern for quality and who takes pride in a project they’ve completed that leaves their customer speechless.
✔️The Engineer who has not only created a technical masterpiece, but also a solution to a customer problem that no one else has delivered.
✔️Any Employee who consistently serves their teammates in an exemplary manner.

THESE people deserve the “Expert” label because their achievements make a difference and lead to miraculous levels of performance that benefits all those around them.

“And the Award goes to….”

My 80+ Podcast Shows that will make your business and your career incredibly successful.

My Podcast Show Audacious Moves to A BILLION will share the specific Moves I made to achieve jaw-dropping growth in an insanely competitive internet business.

”The Audacious Un-heard of Ways I Took a Startup to A BILLION IN SALES” is the latest in my BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series.

  • Posted 2.5.24 at 05:45 am by Roy Osing
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