Roy's Blog: January 2024

January 29, 2024

3 Things Guaranteed To Make You Win In Business


3 Things Guaranteed To Make You Win In Business.

#1. Differentiate! — If you’re not different, you’re dead (or soon will be).
If you’re the same as everyone else, why should I buy from you?
If you’re not The ONLY ONE who does what you do, you’re a member of the herd destined for mediocrity.

#2. EXECUTE! — It’s the music that’s far more important than the words.
A plan that can’t be executed is worthless.
Spend 20% of your time getting your strategy “just about right” and 80% of your time figuring out how you will implement it.

#3. Hire Human Being Lovers! — Hire people who actually CARE about other people.
Winning businesses are built on relationships, so inculcate your employee population with individuals who are born to serve and who will therefore be amazing team players AND excellent customer advocates.

If you did nothing else as a business leader but be relentless about these 3 things, you would be outlandishly successful.

Why wouldn’t you give my formula a whirl?


How much can you get?

My 80+ Podcast Shows that will make your business incredibly successful.

My Podcast Show Audacious Moves to A BILLION.

My BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series.

‘Audacious’ is my latest.

  • Posted 1.29.24 at 04:19 am by Roy Osing
  • Permalink

January 22, 2024

The Truth About My Audacious Pithy Ways


The Truth About My Audacious Pithy Ways.

I’m done with exhaustive articles that placate Google.

I’m done with tiring narration that goes on and on and on…

I’m done with gargling the so-called “rules” for achieving a high ranking for posts.

I’m done with trying to placate someone’s algorithm that defines a “good” post.

I’ve been doing this since 2009 and I’m DONE!

So…. going forward my blogs will abound with pith.

They will be brief — maybe soundbites only. We’ll see.





They will cut like a knife.

Sometimes bordering on obnoxiousness.

And they might be outrageous.

And they most definitely won’t satisfy the rules of SEO.

With a few jaw-dropping links that will uncover more for those who want to dive deeper in my BE DiFFERENT or be dead world.

I will not spoon feed you my content.

I’m not your Mom.

You will have to explore, dig and work for my simple proven-to-work new ideas that will make you successful.

You will have to WANT to learn what actually works in the real world.

I will whet your appetite to discover more of the stuff that helped me grow a startup to A BILLION IN SALES!

So from here on in I’m giving you pithy.

Pithy Ways to “kill it” in business.

Pithy Ways to build a remarkable career and a great life.

Pithy Ways to actually achieve your journey’s end.

Pithy Ways to help you create a crushing tested brand.

Pithy Ways to earn the trust of the person next to you.

And much more pithy…

So BE PiTHY and join the Audacious PiTHY herd with me.

Stand out.

Be unmatched and unsurpassable—the ONLY One—who does what you do.

Be an achiever, not a rule follower.

My 80+ Podcast Shows that will make your business and your career incredibly successful.

My Podcast Show Audacious Moves to A BILLION will share the specific Moves I made to achieve jaw-dropping growth in an insanely competitive internet business.

”The Audacious Un-heard of Ways I Took a Startup to A BILLION IN SALES” is the latest in my BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series.

  • Posted 1.22.24 at 04:57 am by Roy Osing
  • Permalink

January 8, 2024

5 factors that make a service experience amazing or disastrous

Customer Experience

5 factors that make a service experience amazing or disastrous.

If you’re in business, you probably want to jump on the service experience bandwagon.
If you do, you need to realize that being successful is not about declaring your intent; there’s hard work involved to make it happen.

These 5 factors helped me consistently deliver amazing customer service experiences on our journey to A BILLION IN SALES!

#1. Context — An amazing service experience is grounded in a business strategy that declares it as a strategic imperative. Memories are created consciously in an organization; they don’t happen through serendipity.

Leadership must demand there be a Strategic Game Plan citing the importance of building customer loyalty as critical to building long term growth of the organization.
Without this strategic context, dazzling service experiences will not occur consistently with every customer engagement; rather they will be hit-and-miss depending on the circumstances of the moment.

In a world without a strategic driver, the service experience will attract few scarce resources—time & money—of the business and memorable ones will therefore languish as a victim of randomness.

#2. Culture — Amazing service experiences happen in a Say YES! culture where the objective is to create a customer engagement process orchestrated to ENABLE the customer to do business with you.

When the organization “leans in” to the customer and looks for ways to satisfy them in any way possible, magic happens!
But when an organization is in the Say NO! mode, the customer engagement process is effectively disabled and amazing service experiences go missing in action.

#3.Caring — Magic Moments with customers occur when they are CARED for by the organization’s employees, they are genuinely interested in what the customer wants, and have empathy for their feelings.

Caring is much more than “satisfying customer needs”. The latter connotes merely supplying the customer with a product or service the organization provides; the former is a much more personal matter.

A caring attitude shouts out to the customer “How can I help?” and places THEM in control.
And to “care for” a customer is to have employees commit the necessary time, attention and energy to truly understand what customers need in the moment and to deliver solutions with warmth and “affection”.

Caring is delivered by employees who “love” humans. These are people who have the innate desire to serve others; to willingly respond to the idiosyncrasies and whims of people in a way that leaves them breathless.

People cannot be trained to love humans. You can train them to “have a smile in their voice” but you can’t teach them to have an honest concern for the customer’s feelings and desires.

Human Being Lovers must be recruited. Period. And Fingerprint Leaders must micromanage the recruitment process to ensure the organization is hiring individuals who give them GOOSEBUMPS!

#4. Clean — Amazing experiences require an efficient product and service delivery machine. You simply cannot create dazzling service experiences if your organization doesn’t supply products on time and as promised.

So the challenge organizations face is to architect their core product and service delivery systems to do their job flawlessly 24X7x365.
This means eliminating delivery systems friction points and increasing the viscosity of the production “machine”.

“Cleanse the Inside” tactics that worked for me :
✔️ Engage your customers in identifying the rules, policies and procedures in your organization that don’t make any sense to them. Target the high value loyal customer group. Invite them to help you; they’ll return the “love”.
✔️ Eradicate (or change] the policies and rules that customers say annoy them. They are real friction points that must be removed.
✔️ Strike a “Grunge Elimination” team to eliminate unnecessary internal bureaucracy in the customer value chain. Coordination and checking activities should be considered for either simplification or complete removal.
✔️ Assign a “CPO”—Chief Process Officer—the role of cross organization processes in core service delivery. This executive should own the ultimate point of responsibility to ensure customer core service requirements are consistently measured and met.

The CPO’s job is to create cross-functional processes that deliver products and services seamlessly to the customer.

Once your core service delivery systems are operating at peak efficiency you have earned the right to build on that base to cultivate dazzling service experiences.

#5. Communications — The way an organization communicates with its customers is extremely helpful to encourage amazing service experiences.
“Dumbing down” the business, eliminating the jargon, and explaining it in a clear simple tone can do wonders to humanize the organization and get customers receptive to it.

Using language like “Dumb Rules”, “Cut the CRAP”, “Gasp-worthy Moments” and “Yummy” all help to demystify a business and its priorities. It makes people view them as more of an advocate than a profit hungry animal who only cares about their bottom line.

The TELUS “let’s make the future friendly” campaign ( is a good example of a communications strategy aimed at simplifying technological innovation and leveraging it to create “…positive experiences and meaningful social outcomes…” for their customers.

Action item: “Wash your mouth out with customers”. Audit the language your organization uses to explain itself to the outside world. Simplify your language and your words to be more inclusive of the customer in your business.

In sum, if you covet amazing service experiences for your business:
✔️ Build a Service Strategy.
✔️ Create a Say YES! culture.
✔️ Have a caring attitude.
✔️ Cleanse the Inside of your organization.
✔️ Communicate in “customer-ese” language.

My 80+ Podcast Shows that will make your business incredibly successful.

My Podcast Show Audacious Moves to A BILLION.

My BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series.

‘Audacious’ is my latest.

  • Posted 1.8.24 at 05:44 am by Roy Osing
  • Permalink

January 2, 2024

3 Secrets to Start Your Journey to BE DiFFERENT

3 secrets

3 Secrets to Start Your Journey to BE DiFFERENT.

#1. Stop “Gargling Google”. — You can’t be different from the herd if you’re washing your mouth out with Google all of the time.

Gargling Google when you’re confronted with a problem or challenge is copycat behaviour.

You actually believe that if you copy what someone else did to solve their problem, their solution will miraculously solve yours as well.
Probability =

<5% (you may actually get lucky and be able to redeem a small fraction of the benefits others have received from their solution, but you’ll only get away with it once.)

And you’ve convinced yourself that you’re somehow being innovative and creative when you try to implement someone else’s solution.
Truthfulness = NIL. You’re fooling yourself and you’re being disingenuous to others.

If you can’t STOP! gargling, you will never be unique and special in a way others care about. So, accept your fate as a

“Constructive Emulator” and be content as a bland insipid member of a crowd of commonality.

#2. Ask “The Question”. — Rather than run to Google every time you’re faced with a task, ask yourself:
✔️ “How can I do this differently?”
✔️ “How can I approach this task in a way no one else has tried?”
✔️ “How can I disrupt the usual approach commonly practiced?”
✔️ “What could happen if I went in the opposite direction to the crowd solution to this type of problem?”
✔️ “What is the most outlandish way to solve the problem I’m facing?”

Open yourself up to the possibility that a unique and different solution is out there waiting for you to discover it.

Ask yourself ‘the question’ and be amazed with the answers you’ll be presented with.

Start NOW! to consciously look for a different approach to everything you do.

And revel in this behavior as it will soon expel you from the common crowd.

#3. SURPRISE! people. — Being DiFFERENT is not about delivering what people expect.

In fact it’s the opposite.

Being different is evoking the “OMG” response; the “WHAT?” look and a GASP! from another person.

Being different is doing what others DON’T expect.

The SURPRISE! Move has incredible consequences:
✔️ You get noticed.
✔️ Your “victim” tells your story to others and you get Five Star Reviews.
✔️ You attract other disruptors and your tribe expands.
✔️ Your behavior gets copied by others and YOU become Best in Class.
✔️ You outdistance your competition because your Army of Advocates turn into raving fans.

All from a SURPRISE!

Amazing consequences from such a simple act.

But….. you can’t SURPRISE! someone unless you know them….. INTIMATELY.

So pay attention to your ‘target’.

Learn everything there is to know about them: their secret desires, wants and cravings. These are the ingredients to a mind-blowing SURPRISE! show.

Try to SURPRISE! them using your own imagination but without the knowledge of their secrets and you will fail.

So, do the work…

My 80+ Podcast Shows that will make your business incredibly successful.

My Podcast Show Audacious Moves to A BILLION.

My BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series.

‘Audacious’ is my latest.

  • Posted 1.2.24 at 06:30 am by Roy Osing
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