Roy's Blog: June 2018

June 25, 2018

6 surprising things people never knew about making a mistake

Source: Unsplash

6 surprising things people never knew about making a mistake.

How often do you remember being praised for making a mistake? When you screw up, does the person you admire and respect congratulate you and lavish you with attaboys?

I can’t recall EVER being rewarded for a miscue; it wasn’t — and still isn’t — the acceptable thing to do.

Our entire life we have been taught to not make mistakes, from school to work. Get 100% on the exam and develop a perfect strategy for the organization you work for. And when we fall short of those expectations we are forced into remedial work to correct the things we did wrong so that the next time we will get them right.

It’s all wrong. Human beings make mistakes; some more than others but everyone screws up at one time or another.

To try and eradicate mistake making is senseless, unproductive and misses an opportunity to turn the “failure” into an epic win.

As long as we are going to make mistakes shouldn’t our academic institutions and organizations be teaching people how to turn them into amazing outcomes rather than scolding them for doing it? NO! because the teaching narrative is always about “do it right the first time” and be perfect.

Schools don’t get it.

The tools to at least have a good chance of achieving a position result remain a secret in the hallowed halls of our teaching institutions. “How to make the best out of a mistake” doesn’t appear on any school curricula or on any organization’s internal training agenda.

So, we are left with the enigma of teaching and expecting perfection in a world where unpredictability and uncertainty govern the dynamics of our environment and human beings are left to survive its forces.

An impossible task without making mistakes.

Weirdly, the mistake has a profound impact on our lives.

The mistake is the best teacher you’ve ever had

When you get something right, you receive positive reinforcement and a satisfied feeling of achievement, but when you get something wrong, there is an even more powerful emotional impact that motivates us to “fix it” and prevent it from happening again.

In particular, a setback on a real world issue where the consequences can include a loss of a relationship, a furious customer or a loss of revenue can motivate us to get it right much quicker than merely getting the third question on a math exam wrong.

The mistake can make you better off

Ironically, a mistake that is fixed fast can improve your situation more than if you never made the mistake in the first place. Proper recovery from a mishap — repair the situation fast and then do something extra — can build customer loyalty or enhance a personal relationship. The recipient of your mistake is so impressed with what you did to remedy the situation they soon forget about the OOPS! that caused them the original discomfort.

The mistake can make you more human

A mistake shows that you are more than superficial veneer; someone who is flawed just like everyone else. This is an endearing trait to most people as compared to the phoney slick image that some people like to portray. Humans are liked and respected more than plastic; the mistake fortifies the former and dispels the latter.

The mistake can build your personal brand

The ability to morph a “bad” situation into a delightful one is a personal brand dimension that few people possess. An individual who can turn a mess into a positive outcome is extremely valuable to an organization struggling to weave their way through complex and uncertain markets.

The mistake forces you to look for another path

It stimulates the creative process to explore other potential avenues to take. In fact it’s not about the mistake at all; rather the moment after the mistake. Problem solving in today’s environment requires nimbleness and the flexibility to consider all options available, and the mistake brings this to life in a very real way. You have no choice but to look for another plan if you are to move forward.

The mistake is the visceral reminder that you must always have “Plan B” available.

The mistake can separate you from the crowd

BE DiFFERENT or be dead is my mantra. If you can’t find a way to separate yourself — as an organization or individual — from the crowd, you will go unnoticed and sooner or later you will fail. The mistake can be the catalyst for discovering how you can standout from other people who are totally consumed with trying to get things right that leave themselves exposed and vulnerable when things go wrong (and they eventually do).

If you excel at squeezing the best from a mistake you will be truly unique in a sea of others struggling with trying to achieve perfection.

Learning how to prevent mistakes is a laudable goal but an unachievable one; learning how to live with them is essential if you want to be successful.

Check out my BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series

  • Posted 6.25.18 at 03:57 am by Roy Osing
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June 20, 2018

4 strategic ways to make your mark in the eCommerce world

In 2014, there were around 110,000 eCommerce companies in existence.

By 2017, however, that number had grown to over 2,000,000 according to Pipe Candy’s research. And this doesn’t even include China.

This means that you as an eCommerce store owner face a crazy amount of competition as you bid to stand out in the chaotic eCommerce world.
The good news is that customers are very happy to buy online, and if you get things right, they’ll buy from you.

Now, it might not be possible to turn $200 into $1,000,000 with your store overnight, but you can totally stay afloat and do super well regardless.

Let’s take a look at 4 strategic ways you can make your mark in the eCommerce world.

1. Simplify the buying process

There are a number of things that consumers want when they shop online, and chief among them is an easy as heck buying process. They want to be able to search and buy quickly.

For one thing, customers expect to be able to buy directly from your website. For another thing, they expect to be able to buy online in just one or two clicks.

Amazon is a great example of a company that has simplified the buying process by reducing the amount of clicks a user has to make before they can make a purchase. If you check MAC Cosmetics’ website, on the other hand, it takes three clicks just to view a product. This is too many.

To simplify the buying process, make it really obvious what a customer has to do to make a purchase. Implement large, colourful buttons and super clear directions and reduce the amount of pages they have to move through along their buying journey.

Install a point of service card reader to ensure payments can be made offline, too. This is particularly important if you currently (or plan to) have a physical or retail store. You want to ensure your brand is accessible across all channels.

2. Embrace cryptocurrency as a payment method

More and more people are starting to invest in cryptocurrency, but while the amount of goods and services they could purchase with digital coins used to be few and far between, more merchants in 2018 are starting to accept cryptocurrency as a payment method.

That said, many eCommerce stores still don’t accept crypto as a payment method. This means that it’s open season and you’ve got a great chance to be a trailblazer in your niche if you start accepting payment in Bitcoin and alt coin’s. You’ll capture a new audience that your rivals are missing, and this audience will become repeat customers.

In 2018, the world is changing and customers are getting more demanding. By accepting payment in cryptocurrency, you’ll show that you’re actively listening to people, and this will improve your brands reputation.

3. Offer free shipping

Business models can be the difference between a company doing well online and failing. Amazon has offered free shipping for years, something that’s very attractive to customers.

Naturally, it’s much harder for smaller online stores to offer free shipping. Sending out items around the world is a costly business. But customers love the idea of free shipping and it can boost your sales.

Here are some tips:

— Set a minimum order amount - A customer has to spend at least $X amount before they’ve qualified for free shipping

— Make free shipping a promotional event - For a limited time, offer a free shipping promotion. This will build a buzz around your store and products and can convince window shoppers to become loyal customers.

— Offer free shipping with select items only - Not every item needs to qualify for free shipping. Limit it to low shipping cost items that have a high enough markup that makes them profitable once you’ve factored in shipping fees.

4. Offer discounts and deals

Discounts aren’t available all the time and this creates a sense of urgency - and urgency is one of the key things that makes customers part with their money. If they don’t make a move now, they fear that they won’t get a second chance.

Knowing your customer is knowing human psychology. We don’t want to miss out on things.

There are many different types of discounts you can offer on your site, from a percentage off to a fixed price off, to the aforementioned free shipping. That said, the type of discount matters, as does how you word your discount. For example, if you were to write “Get $$$” off, it sounds like a win.

These small things matter, but how you present your discount will ultimately depend on the type of customer you have.

Implement different discounts, experiment with the wording and use analytics to see which ones perform the best. Creating an account with Google analytics is a great place to start.

These are 4 strategic ways you can make your mark in the eCommerce world.

Make the buying process simple, embrace cryptocurrency as payment and focus on offering deals and discounts that customers want to see.

Michelle Deery is a writer for Heroic Search, a Tulsa based SEO agency. She writes products content that helps businesses increase their sales and build a powerful brand in the eCommerce world.

  • Posted 6.20.18 at 04:11 am by Roy Osing
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June 18, 2018

7 simple actions you can take to be an amazing speaker

Source: Unsplash

You can’t be a premier league speaker overnight, but there some simple things you can do to vastly improve your skills and put you on a path to get you there.

These 7 actions helped me establish ‘great communicator’ as a key element of my personal brand; they will work for you if you give them a try.

1. Work on your form

Work on your form; the mechanics of your delivery. Practice varying your tone of voice and the cadence of your presentation. There is nothing more boring and sleep inducing than a monotone presentation with little variation in volume.

Present your material to yourself and listen to how you come across.

Remember it’s not a speech; it’s a performance. Your job is to create a memorable experience for everyone in the room. People will likely forget most of what you say but will remember how you made them feel.

“Open, honest communication is the best foundation for any relationship, but remember that at the end of the day it’s not what you say or what you do, but how you make people feel that matters the most.” – Tony Hsieh

2. Be one with your audience

Lose the comfort tools; try it without a podium and notes to speak from. Embed yourself in the crowd so you can feel their energy and they can feel yours. Your end goal is to be natural on or off stage.

Try rubbing shoulders with your audience and see the reaction you get. I would always wander through the crowd while presenting my material speaking directly to people and engaging them with my material; it was amazing how everyone responded.

3. Emotionally connect with your content

Live and breathe your material; it should ooze from you when you speak. A presentation is not like giving an academic treatise; if you are not emotionally connected with and get excited over your stuff you won’t be believable and no one will listen.

If you’re not turned on about what you are saying, why should anyone else be? They will actually turn off if you speak your words — we know you can read — as opposed to FEEL your words.

4. Keep your energy high

Get and keep your energy up. No one enjoys listening to someone who drones on as if they will die any moment. Take a deep breath before going on, say out loud “energy up!” (I did this every time) and say it to yourself throughout your performance.

If you must work from a script, bold the key points you want to emphasize and punch it when you get to them. The bold highlighting will give you a heads up to the piece requiring emphasis as you read the script — take a breath when you see it.

5. Be different from the speaker crowd

Study other speakers, not from the perspective of trying to copy what they do, but to determine how you can be different from them.

The boilerplate speaker has no unique identity and is soon forgotten. You want them to say after your event “Wow! (s)he as not like any other speaker I’ve heard before”.

The performers who are distinctive and who stand out from the crowd, on the other hand, earn return engagements and accolades from their audiences.

6. You’re NOT a speaker

Treat yourself as a subject matter expert who happens to have amazing communications and engagement skills. You don’t want to be known as a public speaker.
The nuance here is one of emphasis. You want to be recognized first and foremost as someone who is an expert on their content and an amazing storyteller who can bring their material to life and excite people with it.

People who tag themselves as great public speakers, on the other hand, tend to be limited in the content they have to share. They are satisfied with being orators and not experts on any one subject.

7. Let your content flow

Let your material ‘flow from your veins’ flawlessly and be one with you. It’s more about having a conversation with people as opposed to delivering a message in a one-way transmit mode. A conversation has the benefits of being informal and casual and more likely to attract fans than any other presentation method.

If you can achieve the ability to stream your material to your audience in this manner, you will be able to practice the actions mentioned above; if not, you will have to focus on your message content, perhaps depriving your audience of having a memorable moment with you.
Speaking success is not just about perfecting the mechanics of the discipline.

It’s about creating new rules of engagement where the prime objective is to connect with and dazzle every person in the audience.

Remember, every person you engage expects two things from you: to learn something new and be entertained while they are learning.

Check out my BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series

  • Posted 6.18.18 at 04:19 am by Roy Osing
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June 11, 2018

6 absolutely insane actions that will kill your business growth

Source: Unsplash

6 absolutely insane actions that will kill your business growth.

Every organization wants to grow; the way they hope to achieve it is by gaining a sustainable strategic advantage over their competitors.

However in my experience I find that many of the more common practices used by organizations are actually counterproductive to the intent of achieving an unmatched position in the marketplace — they work against the intent of standing out from everyone else. They don’t actually represent an effective way to achieve a growth imperative.

The practices below are typically followed by most organizations today. They are very common yet, ironically, they are positioned as an aid to help differentiate an organization from their competitors yet they have the opposite effect.

The very fact that they are followed by the masses means that they can’t possibly create uniqueness, they create sameness.
They serve no strategic driver; they typically are a response to either internal interests — keeping costs down — or with the belief that since the experts — academics or strategy advisors — advocate them, they must surely work as a means to differentiate and grow.
But they don’t.

These are the common tactics organizations employ to grow their business.

Avoid them at all cost.

They will only stunt growth.

1. Following others — Looking to another organization for new ideas and believing that this approach will grow a business — commonly referred to as employing best practices.
The process is well known: find a best in class organization that does what you want to do and incorporate their methods and solutions into how you do business.

And there seems to be a halo effect around applying best practices. It’s almost like you are wise and creative to be in the best practice copying game. You are somehow among the elite if you are ‘applying best practices’.

The problem is that strategic advantage is achieved by innovating and by being different from the competition.
The best practices approach may help improve operational processes but it will never produce strategic benefits — it’s not a strategic driver of long term growth.

2. Snubbing the frontline — Treating the frontline as if they were at the bottom of organization. And in frontline positions, applying modest recruiting standards with minimum skill and competency prerequisites.

The problem is strategic advantage is determined by how well an organization executes, and this is largely in the hands of frontline employees. Treating them as second class citizens encourages them to deliver second class results.

On the other hand, if they meet high standards and are honoured in their work, they will catapult any organization ahead of any competitor.

3. Outsourcing — Managing call centers to control costs. Maximizing throughput and productivity. Rewarding employees who take the most number of calls and spend the least amount of time on each call.

The problem is strategic advantage is achieved by creating memorable experiences for customers; this is rarely achieved by imposing internal productivity constraints on the customer transaction. Rather a WOW! experience happens when the customer is amazed with the outcome of the call.

Treat the call center as a customer loyalty center to create an advantage.

4. Pursuing mass markets — Searching for opportunities in mass markets. Pushing solutions to as large a market cross section possible.
Looking for lowest common denominator solutions that apply to the masses to maximize competitive market share.

The problem is strategic advantage is earned by discovering and satisfying the unique wants and desires of individuals not by flogging products to the masses. It’s gained by maximizing the share of wallet not share of market.

It’s the result of serving the chosen customer group so they never leave.

5. Offering special deals to get new customers — Prioritizing new customer acquisition to fuel revenue growth. Trying to gain new customers by enticing them from their current suppliers through special deals and promotional offers -  ‘With every purchase of our internet service you will receive a free flat screen TV.’

The problem is strategic advantage requires a healthy base of existing customers who are loyal and willing to be an active source of new business referrals. Offering special deals to attract new customers while ignoring current ones can lose business and destroy market position.

6. Paying too much attention to the strategy — Spending too much time seeking the perfect plan. The strategy doesn’t deliver results; brilliant execution does.
Yet so much time and attention is paid to formulating the perfect plan using all of the sophisticated tools available, with the underlying belief and expectation that if the strategy uses the rigour of the state of the art toolbox then it must somehow be right — and get closer to perfection.

I have been involved in many painful planning sessions where we have tried to squeeze another 10% more accuracy out of our plan to no avail rather than use our time to determine how to implement the imperfect plan that we had created to that point.

Absolute rubbish.

Competitive advantage is achieved by organizations that can execute imperfection brilliantly not by the efficacy of their strategic intent.

Take a close look at the portfolio of tactics used in your organization to gain strategic advantage; make sure you’re not fooling yourself.

Check out my BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series

  • Posted 6.11.18 at 04:04 am by Roy Osing
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