Roy's Blog: September 2014

September 28, 2014

Are you manager or a leader? Here are 11 easy ways to tell

Source: Unsplash

Are you manager or a leader? Here are 11 easy ways to tell.

What you do determines what you are.

▪️ Do you give orders to people or ask How can I help?

▪️ Do you execute the current strategy of the business or are you engaged in determining a new business plan, a new strategic direction for the organization?

▪️ Is your priority productivity and cost efficiency or helping to create mind-blowing customer experiences?

▪️ Are you a rule enforcer or are you flexible to bend the rules where appropriate?

▪️ Do you govern from your office or do you spend a copious amount of your time with the frontline?

▪️ Do you look for ways to disrupt the business or are you content with the status quo?

▪️ Do people see you as a mentor or are you rarely asked for advice?

▪️ Are you invisible in the organization and have no currency or are you regularly consulted on important matters?

▪️ Do you follow orders or question what you are asked to do?

▪️ Do you know the names of your top 10 customers or is that Sales’ responsibility?

▪️ Do you punish for mistakes or treat them as a learning experience?

Managers serve a useful purpose; true leaders represent life or death for any organization

Which are you?

Check out my BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series

  • Posted 9.28.14 at 06:21 am by Roy Osing
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September 15, 2014

Why under-promising and over-delivering is a dishonest sales scam

Source: Pexels

Why under-promising and over-delivering is a dishonest sales scam.

The “under-promise and over-deliver” sales tactic reeks of dishonesty and utter disregard for human decency

What it really says is “We will force you to lower your expectations and then we will deliver a little bit more”.

Lower the bar and walk over it rather than set the bar at the level you expect and then leap over it.

The result is that you finally get what you want (but no more) but were manipulated to get it.

Forcing someone to accept less and then surprising them by delivering what they originally wanted is not a good formula for long term success.

It’s short sighted and sleazy.

The right thing to do is promise what the customer wants and then surprise them by over-delivering

The end game in the business of serving people is the unforgettable moment; the moment when someone is dazzled by the way they have been treated; by the delightful unexpected experience they had.

Forgettable moments are created when someone is subjected to underhanded tactics.

Create them at your peril.

Check out my BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series

  • Posted 9.15.14 at 04:58 am by Roy Osing
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September 8, 2014

Why common mission statements organizations create are ineffective and worthless

Source: Unsplash

Why common mission statements organizations create are ineffective and worthless.

Why are most business plans replete with mission statements that are meaningless?

They are exhausting; they tend to all resonate with similar themes.

A mission statement is the ultimate selfie.

It’s all about the organization. What the organization thinks about itself. What you aspire to be. What you think makes you great.

Almost every ‘About us’ page on a company’s web site shares a mission statement like this one:

“Delight. Yes, delight. Simply put, that’s our mission: To delight you with the products, services and customer support that we provide to you every day.”

Does anyone really believe this tripe?

Customers get little helpful information from mission statements like this.

This type of claim may declare the intent of the organization, but it provides no useful information in terms of why people should buy from you as opposed to the other choices they have.

In addition, most businesses say the same thing; they intend to ’delight’ customers; exceed their expectations; exist for them and so on. Nothing particularly new or special here.

This is nothing more than a selfie shot

Mission statements are helium-filled. They communicate at the 50,000 foot level. The average reader doesn’t understand nor do they believe what you say.

What’s missing?

Rather than the infatuation with your mission statement, I would like to see this on your company website on the About us page:

“The reason you should do business with us and not our competitors is…”

Acknowledge that people have choice.

Give people a reason why they should buy from you and no one else.

Take a deep breath.

If you have nothing meaningful and helpful to say to others, perhaps saying nothing is the best course of action.

Check out my BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series

  • Posted 9.8.14 at 03:24 am by Roy Osing
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