Roy's Blog: July 2014

July 28, 2014

Why failing leaders are people who constantly flit around

Source: Pexels

Why failing leaders are people who constantly flit around.

Why do so many leaders flit around all the time?

Many so-called leaders don’t lead at all, they flit from this to that.

From one crisis to another. From one priority to another.

They don’t land on anything. They chase. They are captured by activity; busyness.

They move quickly from issue to issue avoiding any chance of getting pinned down.

They measure the worth of the hours they put in by the calories they burn.

They run toward whatever their boss says is important. And they run away from issues their subordinates claim are critical.

They are skin deep, with a shallow perspective on the issues of the day.

They have no opinion of substance.

They can’t give direction.

They are never physically present; always on the go attending ‘business lunches’ and meetings with their flitting colleagues.

They are completely reactive with no proactive bone in their body.

I reported to the VP Marketing at one point in my career, and he was a flitterer extraordinaire. A nice enough person, but not someone you could go to for specific direction. Always passing my proposals on Marketing programs on to the President for his opinion before approving me to take action.

Virtually zero value added from his executive position. An open valve in the decision making conduit of the organization.

They are everywhere.

Observe your own behavior. Be honest with yourself.

Make sure you don’t practice flittership under the guise of leadership.

Check out my BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series

  • Posted 7.28.14 at 05:04 am by Roy Osing
  • Permalink

July 7, 2014

Why ‘serving’ customers is way better than ‘servicing’ them

Source: Pexels

Why ‘serving’ customers is way better than ‘servicing’ them.

What promise do you have in your service strategy?

“I promise to service you.” or “I promise to serve you.”

Which sounds more appealing? Which sounds more sensitive to your wants, desires and expectations?

Do you really want to be ‘serviced’?

Customer service in most organizations involves the application of the company’s service structure to people. It subjects them to the rules, policies and practices the company has created to control the customer engagement process.

It boils down to a set of policies being applied to everyone regardless of circumstance.

How often have you heard: (even though we all know it’s ridiculous) ’I’m sorry you can’t do that because it’s company policy.’

And yes, control.

Policies for the most part are intended to minimize risk (for the company), increase efficiency (for the company), maintain or reduce operating costs (for the company) and create consistency (for the company).

What’s missing?

Service is all about the company yet it implies that it is all for the customer. Nonsense!

If you REALLY want the customer to come first, you need to subordinate the company to a serving role. And you need to start talking about ‘serving customers’ not providing customer ‘service’

What it means to serve:

▪️ The customer is engaged to determine what the company’s rules, policies and procedures look like;

▪️ Employees try to find a way to say yes to every customer request whether it satisfies a policy or not;

▪️ Frontline conversations with customers always include the question “How can I help you?”;

▪️ The measure of the customer engagement is whether or not they were dazzled by the service experience they had, not how proficiently the rules were applied.

Do you service or do you serve?

Should you be trying to improve your customer service, or should you be trying to serve customers in a more warm and caring manner?

What do you think is the winning approach?

Check out my BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series

  • Posted 7.7.14 at 03:01 am by Roy Osing
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