Roy's Blog

December 22, 2014

Why great leaders don’t choose among options, they create something new and remarkable

Source: Unsplash

Why great leaders don’t choose among options, they create something new and remarkable.

Why don’t leaders create something bloody remarkable for their organization? How do leaders create a successful future for their organization?

Some leaders say the answer to the question lies in defining a number of potential alternatives and select the one that provides the highest net benefit —the highest NPV.

I believe most leaders operate in this mode which, in my experience, produces incremental gains.

Breakthrough performance doesn’t come by choosing among which path to follow; it comes from creating a future that you and only you own

Creating a new box to play in. Colouring outside the lines to form art that has your signature alone.

Create don’t choose.

The next time you are asked to choose, don’t. Ask for the impossible; the unheard of; the unconventional.

Talk about that.

Debate that.

Do sensitivity analysis on that.

Unless your chosen path broaches the unknown, you’re not doing your job.

Check out my BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series

  • Posted 12.22.14 at 04:35 am by Roy Osing
  • Permalink


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