Roy's Blog

October 27, 2014

Why busy-ness is used by people as a bloody excuse

Source: Unsplash

Why is busy-ness used by people as a bloody excuse?

We finish our meal at a restaurant and would like our table cleared of the left-over rubbish and debris.

We wait and wait and wait.

Servers fly by, careful to avoid eye contact with us.

Their response when I finally asked for help: “I would have cleared your table earlier but I was too busy.”

This is a common problem. People today are ‘too busy’ to do the right thing; captivated in their moment rather than focussing on what is right

Too busy to keep a promise, meet that friend for lunch, take the extra time needed to care for a customer or to say thank you to someone who has done you a favour.

Too busy is the rationalization for avoiding what should be attended to.

It also serves the thrill some people get from ‘activity-mania’; they love to chase stuff. They aren’t focussed.

But it’s the easy way out.

Whenever you hear yourself thinking or talking too busy, STOP!

Be ruled by the right thing not busy-ness.

Check out my BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series

  • Posted 10.27.14 at 04:30 am by Roy Osing
  • Permalink


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