Roy's Blog

July 9, 2012

15 lessons you can learn from Lady Gaga

Here’s a quick overview of one of my discoveries on iBooks. It’s called “What you can learn from Lady Gaga” by The Editors of New Word City.

Lady Gaga was born Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta on March 28, 1986, in New York.

Who is she? She’s an inspiration to business if we listen.

Check out these lessons:

1. Focus is crucial to success.

2. Stay humble and focused on the work, not your ego.

3. Find your heroes and determine how they inspire you.

4. Find a mentor that you can learn from. Find someone you admire and ask them (with humility, charm, and warmth) for their input and help.

5. Be a sponge. Gaga inhaled the history of her world. Take concrete steps to learn everything you can about the history, idiosyncrasies, and influences in your chosen field.

6. Celebrate collaboration. Find your collaborators and nurture the relationships.

7. Find your fans. Lady Gaga knew she appealed to the lucrative gay market, and she assiduously courted it. Define, charm, and cultivate your first-users and core customers.

8. Be disciplined and discreet. Gaga tightly controls her image and guards her private life. Avoid oversharing and remember: there is no such thing as privacy on the Internet.

9. Mess with success. Gaga revised her sold-out show until it was up to her standards. Can your latest project use a boost, a tweak, that extra oomph?

10.Open up to inspiration. Inspiration keeps you fresh, feeds you ideas, energizes you, and nurtures your soul.

11. Surround yourself with talent. Don’t be afraid of being overshadowed - in fact, that should be your goal.

12. Take risks. Leadership is about being bold (not to be confused with reckless), breaking the mould, and knowing when a risk is worth taking.

13. Form an emotional bond with your customers. Define your emotional connection to your customers and actively work to deepen it.

14. Master social media to engage with your Fans.

15. Know what you want. Remind yourself everyday of what you want to accomplish - and what you need to do to get there.

Post this checklist on your wall.

Check out my BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series

  • Posted 7.9.12 at 10:50 am by Roy Osing
  • Permalink


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