Roy's Blog

March 15, 2012

Why a wishful dream without a purpose isn’t terribly useful

Source: Unsplash

Why a wishful dream without a purpose isn’t terribly useful.

Dreams without purpose are really useless

Some people (and organizations) dream a lot. Individuals dream of getting that promotion or of going on a trip to Paris; organizations dream of being the market leader or of providing the best customer service.

A dream is aspirational. It is nebulous and lacks the precision necessary to execute the specific actions necessary to fulfil it.

It’s ill defined. It’s a cloud. A helium filled balloon. A wish.

A kluge of possibilities.

Hardly something that will guide you to realizing it without a ton of work. Translating what it requires you to do on ground zero. In the trenches where things get messy.

But if you must dream, dream fierce.

Dream in excruciating detail so you can see what you have to do to achieve it.

Dream with the precision necessary to see an implementation path.

Dream with the passion that you will need to stay your course through set-backs and disappointment.

Dream with the adrenalin rush that will make so tenacious in driving to results you will surprise yourself.

Dream with purpose.

Dream to execute.

Dream to get it done.

Check out my BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series

  • Posted 3.15.12 at 10:31 am by Roy Osing
  • Permalink


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