Roy's Blog

April 21, 2011

Why a business plan for 24-months makes the best sense

Source: Unsplash

Why a business plan for 24-months makes the best sense.

The 5-year business plan has serious flaws.

The outlying years 3, 4 and 5 can’t be predicted with any degree of accuracy and they never show up (anyone ever see year 5 materialize?)

More importantly, fussing about these later years keeps you from executing today.

So what’s the appropriate planning period?

In principle it should represent a slice of time that you believe will have a high degree of continuity. A period of time where the degree of uncertainty Is relatively low.

It’s a crap shoot no matter how you look at it.

I always had success using a 24-month plan and differentiating it from a 2-year plan. Thinking of the business plan in months keeps execution in your sights.

It also keeps you from being too locked in to a specific course of action regardless of the results you achieve and how much you learn through implementing your strategy.

My formula: create a 24-month business plan.

Focus on execution. Learn from how well you execute

Be alert to the unforeseen. Adjust on the run.

Check out my BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series

  • Posted 4.21.11 at 10:00 am by Roy Osing
  • Permalink


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