Roy's Blog

October 4, 2010

Can new breakthrough technologies make you successful?

Source: Unsplash

Can new breakthrough technologies make you successful?

Does your business plan declare your intent to use technology to differentiate your organization from your competition?

There seems to be an abundance of technology push in the marketing world these days. Almost an obsession with the cool things technology can do; the complicated tasks it can perform as opposed to the value it creates for people.

Technology is a means to an end

PERIOD. It’s a means to create value for those you choose to serve. The emphasis needs to be on the solutions it produces rather than on the technical characteristics of the delivery machine.

Technology myopia inhibits the successful execution of a value creation strategy. It takes your eye off the prize: creating meaningful compelling value which enriches peoples’ lives.

It results in product flogging which emphasizes what you supply and not what the benefits the customer covets.

Marketing seems to be asymmetric in its approach to technology vs. value creation. Marketing practices follow technology advances rather than lead them

Technology gets most of the attention which explains why businesses have so much difficulty carving out a position that will distinguish themselves from the herd.

Technology can be copied. And it will. It’s easier to push technology than create a unique value proposition that addresses the high priority needs of your customers.

My advice: be mindful and thoughtful when you techno-speak.

Carefully undress your technology to expose the capabilities you need to deliver value to your customers.

And take it further to expose the experiences It can create for your customers.

Focus on these elements of the technology as opposed to the myriad of potential things it can do.

Check out my BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series

  • Posted 10.4.10 at 12:00 pm by Roy Osing
  • Permalink


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