Roy's Blog

November 26, 2010

Why amazing cultures are not created by one thing

Source: Unsplash

There is no silver bullet in changing the culture of an organization, just as there is no single brilliant idea that will guarantee the survival of an organization in today’s world.

No single solution or idea that will suddenly, overnight, protect it from demise.

Rather, cultural change is a game of inches, where the objective is to get as many people in the organization trying as many different approaches as possible, and achieving fast increments of progress along the way.

What happens is that the passionate actions of a few individuals begin to infect the masses; more and more change activity is created and a new momentum begins.

This sustainable new momentum, in turn, defines the new culture of the organization: a culture that embraces creativity and innovation, and a business that can look forward to a long and prosperous life.

Check out my BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series

  • Posted 11.26.10 at 08:00 pm by Roy Osing
  • Permalink


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