Roy's Blog

August 27, 2019

Why successful sales is about relationships not pushing products

Source: Pexels

There are two options to consider when setting a sales philosophy for your organization. You can choose to generate revenue by selling stuff or you can choose to build intimate relationships with people and have them buy stuff.

Selling stuff equates to flogging products; the focus is on what is being produced rather than on the demand elements of the customer. Very few people like the flogging experience where a sales person tries to shove a product down your throat with little consideration for our needs and expectations.

At the end of a flogging experience we generally feel used, abused and violated vowing to never return.

Building deep relationships and have people buy stuff is quite a different thing and is based on the axiom that you need to “make a friend before you can do business”.
The sales dynamics focus on getting to know the prospect and their specific wants and desires. The relationship builder actually makes you compelled to buy!

The forces at play propel the prospective buyer along a course of action that requires a transaction; anything less conjures up the feeling of guilt given the time, effort and caring the builder has invested in you.

Relationship building firms understand and trust that cash flow is the result of deep customer relationships; an annuity stream is established over a longer period of time with an impressive net present value as compared to the short term financial benefits of the one sale wonder.

Start the move today to developing a relationship building sales team that sends sales performance sky high.

And introduce this element in the sales compensation plan. If you are purely a flogging organization today, add a percentage for the relationship element and begin the journey to remarkable sales. Begin with compensating your sales team 20% on relationship building and increase this amount over time.

How do you measure relationship building? Create a report card with 6 key relationship building behaviours and ask the customer to rate the salesperson on each.

Customer perception is reality and it will not be long before every salesperson is paying attention to what is required to be a successful relationship builder.

Check out my BE DiFFERENT or be dead Book Series

  • Posted 8.27.19 at 11:50 am by Roy Osing
  • Permalink


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